Am I the only person who loves modern, steel structures? What is it about Danish design? It's amazing, modern, clean, and so fresh. I can imagine that eco friendly design on a lush green lawn. Wouldn't it be great to wait for your kids to get home from school so you can rummage through the garden to find something for dinner?
The problem I worry about (okay there are several) the building would be in Northeast Iowa. So heavy snow loads, possibility of tornadoes, and would resale ever be an option? It would be on a farm owned by my in-laws but my husband has been wanting to move back to the farm pretty much since he left it over ten years ago. My husband would go back to being a fourth generation farmer.
I grew up in the city and live in a rural area now on ten acres, but my husband is tired of working in an office. Eh. What is a girl to do? I told him if we move then we will be building a house. This house to be exact.
Okay so we'd use this house as a guide. I have always had a strange fascination with corrugated metal, and who knows that wood could be reclaimed lumber from a 200 year old barn. I think this would be absolutely amazing. Here's the link: I want it.